Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, 765 Camano Ave., Langley —
Tickets: WICA Star: $45; Standard $30; available from box office $20;
18 and under are free ——
The Robert Merry conversation series continues with special guest, Gerald Seib. Jerry recently retired after 45 years as a noted Wall Street Journal reporter, editor, and columnist, as well as an author and television analyst on national and international politics. He served 12 years as the Journal’s Washington bureau chief (in two stints), six years as executive Washington editor, 29 years as a weekly Washington columnist, and three years as a Middle East correspondent. During his Middle East stint he was kidnapped in Iran in 1987 and incarcerated for four harrowing days.
More information and tickets at: https://www.wicaonline.org/events-calendar-view/2023/5/19/conversations-on-the-state-of-american-politics-with-bob-merry-guest-jerry-seib