Youth interested in joining for Spring season and their parents: North Whidbey Little League 2018 Spring Ball Registration is Open!!!
Registration is now open. We have registration available online or you can do paper registration. You can either print out the Registration/Concussion Form/Medical Form from the website or you can pick-up the forms at Big 5, Wendy’s, Dairy Queen, Burger King and both 7-11 stores. If you register online you must print out and complete the Concussion and Medical Forms. You will also need to provide a birth certificate to prove age for the correct division.
Registration fees are as follows:
Challenger/Tee Ball Division – $100.00
All other Divisions – $110.00
If registration is paid prior to February 1st – Take $10.00 off the fee
Ages/Divisions as follows:
Tee Ball – 4-6 years (must be 4 by 4/30/2018)
Challenger – 4-18 years (must be 4 by 4/30/2018)
Rookie Baseball – 6-8 years (6 year old must have played 1 year of T-Ball to play Rookie)
Minor Baseball – 9-11 years
Major Baseball – 10-12 years
Junior Baseball – 13-14 years
Senior Baseball – 14-15 years
Rookie Softball – 6-8 years
Minor Softball – 8-10 years
Major Softball – 10-12 years
Junior Softball – 13-14 years
Senior Softball – 13-16 years
Evaluation dates are as follows:
Windjammer Park
2/24/2018 – 12yr olds – 9:00am
11yr olds – 11:00am
10yr olds – 1:00pm
9yr olds – 3:00pm
3/3/2018 – 11-12yr olds – 9:00am
9-10yr olds – 12:00pm
Junior/Senior Baseball
Ft. Nugent park
3/10/2018 – 2:00pm
Softball – Volunteer Park
2/25/2018 – 13-16yr olds – 1:00pm
11-12yr olds – 2:00pm
9-10yr olds – 3:00pm
3/4/2018 – 13-16yr olds – 1:00pm
11-12yr olds – 2:00pm
9-10yr olds – 3:00pm
Also – Reminder!!!! Please see the following link regarding the new Baseball Bat Regulations.
Our website is
North Whidbey Little League on FacebookPlease let us know if you have any questions and here is to a great year for North Whidbey little League!